The Light of Friendship

Watercolor, colored pencil, and digital illustration showing a little blond girl sitting in the blue shadows in the left hand corner. Whimsical scary shadows of monsters, clouds, and vines surround her. Another little girl with dark curly hair is holding out her hand to her like she is inviting her to come and play. In her other hand she holds a jump rope. A wedge of bright yellow is cutting into the blue shadows, starting from the dark haired girl's hand. Whimsical flowers, swirls, hearts, butterflies, and a sun are colored in white over the yellow.

This is a piece inspired by the illustration prompt YELLOW from SCBWI Draw This. It doesn’t take much to brighten somebody’s day when they’re feeling blue. A smile, a friendly greeting, or inviting them to come play! Let’s spread inclusion, kindness, and sunshine. 

Watercolor and digital.